Managing Tickets and Guests

The following information is available on this page:

Creating the Guest List

The guestlist is created in one or more of these ways:

  1. Tickets sold on PayBee via a ticket campaign

Adding Tickets Sold Outside Of PayBee

If you have preprocessed some tickets or just want to add a guest to your guest list, then navigate to Manage> Tickets and Guests and choose Add Ticket.

Tickets vs Guests

First, understand how tickets and guests are separate things in PayBee. There are tickets assigned to ticket holders and then there are guests under each ticket. The ticket holder could be a guest or not.

Guest Assignment

In the case of Group tickets, if the names of the guests have not been added, then the admin can do one of the following:

Adding Guest Information

If your guest has more than one ticket or a table/package of tickets at the event you can expect them to reserve spots or invite guests on their own. You, as an admin, can reserve spots or invite guests as well, if necessary.

You have 2 ways to add guests to the tickets.

  • Reserve seats for guests by adding confirmed guests.

  • Invite guests via email.

Under Manage > Tickets and Guests choose the correct ticketing campaign at the top of the page. You can see the tickets listed and the number of guests per ticket. A reminder can be sent to the ticket holder to remind them to add guests to their ticket. This can be found under the Reminder button by choosing the Send Add Guest Reminder option.

Adding Confirmed Guests

Adding confirmed guests immediately reserves spots for these guests.

The admin can choose to add confirmed guests. Depending on the number of tickets to the event they can add confirmed guests in two different ways:

  • Add guests one by one by selecting the Single option or,

  • Add a group of guests (number of guests starting with two and going up to the maximum tickets available). Guest #1 in this group will receive the email with the tickets.

When adding two guests in this example. There are three important options to consider:

  • Add the guest 2 email: If known, you can add the email address for this guest.

  • Use <Guest 1> Email Id: Turning this on allows Guest 2 and Guest 1 to share the same bidder number at the event. If off, Guest 2 will get their own bidder number.

  • I don't have an email id: Turning this on allows the organization to assign a placeholder email to this guest. This triggers the PayBee app to notifiy the volunteer to ask for an email at check-in. The guest will be assigned their own bidder number at that time.

Note: The purchaser information is automatically filled for Guest #1 when adding guests for the first time but can be updated as necessary.

This is what the admin will see after they've reserved tickets for 2 guests.

Inviting Guests

Invited guests must accept their invitation. If they decline their invitation the host will see that indicated and can send those invites to another guest. An invitee may be sent multiple spots/seats (the email shown below includes 2 spots for example).

This is what the admin will see with an invitation for 1 spot is sent to a guest. Invitations can be deleted before they are accepted. If an invitation is sent out, the spot is considered blocked on the ticket.

Guests Grouping

Each guest with an email gets their own unique paddle number. So if there's a group of two guests with one email address, then there will be 2 paddles with the same number.


Guest Name
Paddle Assigned

Dana Smith

101 (name on paddle: Dana Smith)

Pat Smith

101 (name on paddle: Pat Smith)

Both members can bid and the pledges go in the same cart associated with paddle #101.

For larger groups that have subgroups, consider breaking them up before the paddles are generated.

If you don't have the email addresses, then PayBee can add placeholder emails. This can be done automatically with the "I don't have an email id" option. The placeholder email address prompts your volunteer to ask the guest for an email at check-in and pledges will be kept separate.

Large group example:

On a table of 10 with 1 email address:

Guest Name
Paddle Assigned

John Doe

201 (name on paddle: John Doe)

Sue Doe

201 (name on paddle: Sue Doe)

Nick Black

201 (name on paddle: Nick Black)

Susan Black

201 (name on paddle: Susan Black)

Fred Samson

201 (name on paddle: Fred Samson)

It would be better to assign emails so subgroups can be separate.

Guest Name
Paddle Assigned

John Doe

201 (name on paddle: John Doe)

Sue Doe

201 (name on paddle: Sue Doe)

Nick Black

202 (name on paddle: Nick Black)

Susan Black

202 (name on paddle: Susan Black)

Fred Samson

203 (name on paddle: Fred Samson)

In the image above there are 10 available seats. By choosing Group and then 2 Guests you can allow groups of guests to share one email address as shown below.

Adding Email Address

Go to Manage > Tickets and Guests and choose the Guest tab, find the guest, and tap on the pencil to edit and add an email if you have it.

If you don't have an email address, use the "I don't have an email id" option to generate a placeholder email automatically.

Placeholder Email Address Formatting

The format of the placeholder email is:

  • Guest: Bob Smith + Organization: Children's Education Fund (CEF) =

Your organization handle is the text following the @ under the QR code found when tapping on Dashboard.

To break a subgroup from the main list, delete the guests by clicking on the people icon and then clicking the trashcan icon next to the guests. Then add guests again as the desired subgroups.

Finding Guest Information

Ticket Holders

Information provided by ticket holders may be found by:

  • Going to Reports > All Donations and select the correct date range

  • Choose the Select Columns tab and select the necessary checkboxes (Example: Address, Info, and InfoSelected as shown below), and then select Apply.

The report generated will include additional selected (Address, Info, and InfoSelected) information.

You can also filter the report even further by using the Report Filters tab where you can select the campaign, method of payment, type of donation, status of the donation, and if the donation is recurring or one time.


Information provided by guests on these tickets may be found by:

  • Going to Manage > Ticket & Guests

  • Select the ticket campaign from the dropdown menu and go to the Guests tab.

You can also add or update their information there.

Connecting Tickets To An Event

Go to Manage > Ticket and Guests. Select the desired ticket campaign. Then tap on the Connect To Event button on the top right corner of your screen. You will be prompted to select an event type (Virtual or In-Person). Select the type and then the event from the list of events in the dropdown.

Note: In-Person Events will only show as an option for ticketing campaigns where the collect guest information is turned on. You can also use the Ticket for In-Person Event and Ticket for Virtual Event options to automatically enable the appropriate settings.

Sending Out Reminders

You can send out two kinds of reminders:

  • Ticket reminders (sent to all ticket holders and guests) in case of in-person event tickets.

  • Reminders to add guests (sent to all ticket holders who have yet to add guests to some or all of their tickets).

To send out ticket reminders to all guests before an event, navigate to Manage > Tickets and Guests > Reminder > Send Reminder. Add an optional message if necessary.

Ticket reminders for virtual events are sent via the Virtual Event Report.

To send out reminders to ticket holders who have not yet added all their guests, navigate to Manage > Tickets and Guests > Reminder > Send Add Guest Reminder. Add an optional message if necessary.

Inviting Donors To Purchase Tickets

You can invite potential donors to purchase tickets by going to the Invitations tab under Manage > Ticket and Guests. Tap on the Invite More button. You can choose to allow the invitee to select the ticket option and quantity or simply enter their name, email, and count if you are sending more than one ticket to them.

Once you've invited everyone on your list, you can track the Sent, Opened, Accepted, Declined, and Bounced invitations. Use the Remind All Pending Invitees button to send reminders to all attendees who are yet to accept or decline your invitation to purchase tickets.

Updating Purchased Tickets

If the quantity, ticket option type, amount on a ticket paid for via check or cash or memo needs to be updated on an already purchased ticket, go to Reports > All Donations. Once you've adjusted the date range, search for the desired transaction, scroll to the right, tap on the ... button under the Actions column, and tap Edit. Make your edits and tap Update.

Creating and Managing Promo/ Discount Codes

Creating Promo/ Discount Codes

From the Promo Codes Tab in Manage> Tickets and Guests you are able to create as many promo/ discount codes as you need for your event. To create a promo code, you need to click on Create Promo Code. A screen will appear, and you will see the following fields:

  • Promo Name: This is the field where you name the promo code. This is shown publicly to buyers and has a limit of 48 characters.

  • Promo Code Prefix: This is the field where you select what the promo code will be. This is shown publicly to buyers and has a limit of 12 characters.

  • Optionally Selected Options: This is where you select which ticketing options within your ticketing campaign this discount code will apply to. Note: If you do not select specific ticketing options, your discount code will be applied to all ticketing options within your campaign

  • Select Discount Type: You can create a promo code to be applied in three different ways.

Fixed Amount: In a Fixed Amount Promo Code you enter the specific dollar amount to be deducted from your original ticket price(s). For example, if you select to take $50 off the ticket price, $50 will be deducted from the ticketing options you enable this for.

Percentage: In a Percentage Promo Code you enter the percentage you want us to deduct from your original ticket price(s). For example, if you select to take 10% off across all ticket prices, this means for a ticket with an original cost of $100, the new cost would be $90.

Fully Comped: In a Fully Comped Promo Code will make the ticket or selected option free.

  • Start Date and End Date: The Start date and End date of a Promo Code determine for how long this discount code will be available for those you share the discount code with.

  • Max Redeems: This is the field where you select how many times this discount code can be used for. For example, if you are allowing many to use a code, you want to set it to a high amount, like 1,000 or so. If you are only allowing 100 people, you need to set it to 100 max redeems.

Managing Promo/ Discount Codes

To manage the promo code(s) you have created, you want to select the ... on the specific promo code you want to view and select one of the three menu options described below.

  1. View Details...: Allows you to see the details of the promo code you created and see which transactions used this specific promo code.

  2. Edit...: Allows you are editing the promo code you created.

  3. Deactivate: If you select this option, you are deactivating the promo code you created, making it no longer active/usable. You are able to activate it by selecting the ... next to this promo code and clicking Activate.

Sharing Promo/ Discount Codes

To manage the promo code(s) you have created, you want to select the ... on the specific promo code you want to view and select one of the three menu options described below.

Click on "Share Button" to copy the URL and share it with the buyer. This URL contains the promo code, and a discount will be applied and shown for all the selected ticket options.

Guest List Import

If you have already sold tickets outside of PayBee, you can still create a guest list that will allow you to assign paddles and tables and check in your guests at your event using the PayBee app. Simply follow our Guest List Import Template.

Here is the Guest List Import Template. To make a copy, please click on File and then Make a Copy and follow the instructions that are on the Instructions tab of the Template.

Last updated

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