
The following information is available on this page:

PayBee Back End

The person running the PayBee Back End does the following:

  1. Controls the content (by selecting the campaigns) that's viewed by the virtual audience, clerk, auctioneer, and audience monitor.

  2. Declare Live Auction winners

  3. Close Silent Auction

  4. Launch levels in Fund a Need

  5. Declare Last Virtual Hero

  6. Go Full Screen on video and Clear Active Fundraising

Click on Run from Manage> Events next to your event. This takes you to the Virtual Event studio or PayBee Back End.

Stay in the Lobby mode until you're ready to start your event

Starting your event

To start your event, simply click on Start on the top right corner of your screen. Before doing this, it is important to ensure that your live stream is up and running and stable so the audience does not experience any issues with video.

On the dashboard, you can track:

  • Time Elapsed

  • Goal

  • Users Online

  • Live pledges and bids activity

  • Ability to change pledge levels and auction lots

  • Close Auctions (Live and Silent)

  • Sell more items in Live Auction

Running your Event

In the start mode, select campaigns from the playlist.

Pledge Drive

To present a specific level from a Pledge Drive, simply select the campaign from the Playlist and present your desired level.

Live Auction

Select the Auction Campaign

  • Bids can be seen in the Activity section

  • See the highest bidder in the Now Live section.

  • When you are ready to declare a winner, click on the Declare Winner button. This displays fireworks on the attendee screen.

  • Move on to the next item by presenting it or hit Clear to display the event information and sponsors on the attendee screen.

Declare Winners and Sell More

Declare winners based on the auctioneer's prompt. Or else, you can Sell More based on the price the auctioneer would like to sell at.

Last Virtual Hero

Start at the first level In Last Hero campaign. Keep moving up levels before you declare a winner.

Silent Auction

To close the silent auction, simply select the campaign from the Playlist and click the Close Auction button. When this happens, fireworks show up on the attendee screen and winners receive an email notification. If winners are present at the event, the items appear in their Pledge Carts. This action cannot be undone.

Ending Your Event

To end your event, click on End on the top right corner of your screen. Your attendees are still able to check out their carts and chat after the event ends.

Auctioneer's Teleprompter

Invite your auctioneer to be a User (Admin) in your PayBee account. They will get an invitation email, which they should accept and set a password.

Auctioneer should go to and tap Non-profit Login. Use your email and credentials.

After logging in, navigate to Manage > Events > Run. Tap the Producer drop-down and select Auctioneer.

On this page, you can see the pledges and bids (virtual and in-room), pledge levels and auction items, and the amount raised at each level and at the entire event.

Tips to be an effective auctioneer

  1. Read the paddle numbers so Clerk can capture

  2. Pay attention to the live and virtual audience

  3. Give clear cues so producer so they can take action to change pledge levels, close auctions, sell more, declare winner, etc.


The Clerk captures bids and pledges in real-time from the room. They will enter the paddle numbers as the auctioneer reads out the paddle numbers. The content on their screen will be controlled by the producer. The clerk can override the pledge level or bidding amount if needed.

Add the clerk as a volunteer. On the app, navigate to Event and tap on "Go to Live Activity."

Audience Monitor

To get the URL of the page that will be shown on the big projector, click on Show Event Links from Manage> Events and select the link for Big Screen Link.

Last updated

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