Virtual Event Creation

The following information is available on this page:

How to Set Up and Edit a Virtual Event

Navigate to Manage > Events.

To set up a new virtual event from Manage > Events click the purple new event button and select virtual event and confirm. Then add the Event Name, Event Date, and Event Time. Then click on the Save Event & Exit button.

If you have already set up your virtual event hit the Edit button to make changes to your event.

Lobby Slides and Sponsor Logos

Upload sponsor logos and lobby slides.

Open vs. Closed Events

Open - Select this when you want to share the invitations and allow anyone to RSVP. This is great for sharing on social media and email campaigns.

Closed - Select this when you have a specific group of guests who you would like to invite. If you have a ticket campaign where you are selling tickets for a virtual event, link it to the event so your guests get the virtual event link when they purchase a ticket. You may also invite guests using the PayBee invitations feature.

If you would like to keep the donate button visible during the duration of your event, turn on Show Donate Button and select one of your donation campaigns. This Donate button also shows as guests are RSVPing or entering their information to join your event.


You can leave it to default or upload your own music to be played in the lobby and post-event end mode. If you are uploading music, the file must be under 10MB and the format type must be mp3.

Last updated