Campaign Creation

This article covers some common settings applicable to all types of campaigns. The sections after this will drill down into each type of campaign.

The following information is available on this page:

Start and End Date

Basic Details

Cover Image: Add the main image you'd like donors to see when viewing this ticket campaign. You can choose from uploading an image from your computer or choosing a previously used image from other campaigns on your account. If an image is not added, it will default to the cover image set for your account (found in Account > Donor Page Settings).

Campaign description: Add a general description about your ticket campaign. This is displayed along with the cover image on the donor side. The venue, event details link, date and time can be added in the sections below so you do not have to also include this information in the description.

Campaign summary: Add a short summarized version of the description or Generate A Summary instead. This is displaced in place of the description on the donor side on smaller screens like mobile phones.

Start & End Dates: This date range determines when the link may be accessed. This only affects visibility, it doesn't have to correspond to when the campaign actually starts or ends. Another way to change a campaign's visibility is to activate or deactivate the campaign.

General Settings

  • Qualify for donor tax deduction - Select this if the donation is tax-deductible.

  • Hide from main campaign page - This will hide the campaign from your main campaign page which you can find on your Dashboard.

  • Show donors the option to dedicate the donation to someone

  • Ask donors for street address: Controls if ticket buyers will be asked to provide a street address. Anything you enter under the Address Reason will be displayed to the donors who are entering their address. Asking donors for street address may be set to Optional if you want to give your donors to choice to enter this information.

  • Ask donors for phone numbers: Controls if ticket buyers will be asked to provide their phone numbers. Asking donors for phone numbers may be set to Optional if you want to give your donors to choice to enter this information.

  • Any additional info required - This is information you want to require the user to provide. It allows the user to enter the information. Example: How long have you been a resident?

  • Any additional info, to be selected by user - This is information you want to require the user to provide. It allows the user to choose the options that you provide. Example: Which meal would you like? Steak, Chicken, Vegetarian

  • Promote other campaigns - This allows you to promote another campaign on this campaign's page.

  • Redirect donor to URL after donation - This will redirect the donor to a URL of your choice when their donation is complete.

  • Donation button label - This changes the name on the button that takes the donor to the payment page.

  • Post donation form - Add a URL for a form (e.g., registration form) that can be filled out after the donation is complete.

  • Internal ID for campaign for reporting - This is used to add an internal ID for your CRM to use to identify this campaign. The ID will show up in the All Donations Report.

  • Add an image below campaign options: If you would like to upload an image of your choice to be displayed to donors below the list of ticketing options, upload the image here. An example here would be an image with a list of all your event sponsors and partners.

Cover Fee Settings

By default, PayBee asks your donors to cover the credit card processing fees. This allows them to cover these fees on behalf of your organization. This is optional and can be disabled.

  • Hide option for donor to cover fee - This will remove the option for your donors to cover processing fees.

  • Make default state for cover fee unchecked - By default, the box is checked to cover the processing fees. The donor can uncheck it if they decide they don't want to cover the fees. Enabling this will make the default state of the check box unchecked.

  • Set custom text for cover fee appeal - Add a custom appeal to cover the credit card fees.

E-Mail Settings

  • Optional header in emails to donors - This appears above the message that PayBee automatically sends when a donation is made.

  • Optional footer for emails to donors - This appears below the message that PayBee automatically sends when a donation is made. This can be formatted using simple HTML.

  • Add email addresses to be notified after each successful transaction - By default, the main email address on the account is notified for every donation. This allows you to add other email addresses you'd like this notification sent to.

Copy a Campaign

Create a copy of a campaign for testing, a new campaign or event, or anything else. Just click the ... next to the campaign and select Copy.

Reordering Campaigns

If you'd like a specific campaign to show up at the very top, edit and save that campaign. PayBee shows the most recently edited campaign as the first one in your campaign list.

Note: You do not have to actually make any changes to the campaign. Tap on Edit under the campaign in the campaign list and Save once you're inside the campaign.

Last updated

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