Account Details

The list of settings include:

This is where you can:

Organization Info

Enter your organization's name, email address of your primary contact, email address of your team member who is responsible for answering questions from donors (aka donor support), mission statement, description, website link, address and phone number.

The name, mission statement, description and website link are all available to the donors viewing your campaigns. The address and phone numbers are included in the donation/payment receipts sent to donors.

Updating Organization Information

Account Settings

Donor Fees

Choose to have the donors optionally cover transaction fees alone or the transaction fees and platform fees. By default, donors have the option of covering the transaction fees only. Fee structure and pricing details may be found here.

Annual Tax Receipts

We send consolidated annual tax receipts for all donations recorded on PayBee to donors in the third week of January. Everyone is opted in by default. Typically, organizations are opted IN.

Donor Page Settings

Add a cover image, and your logo, and choose the banner and text color for your donation pages and email headers.

To update the color in all of your campaign pages and the email header for the donations on PayBee please click on the Donor Pages Header Color & Donor Pages Header Text Color buttons to select one of our predetermined colors or you can add the HTML Code of your to have all pages match your branding. You can find Sample PayBee Emails here.


Email addresses added here will receive a notification for each successful transaction through PayBee.

Change Password

Enter your current password and then your new password and verify the new password.

Last updated

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