Understanding Ticketing On PayBee

This page will help you understand the different types of tickets you can create on PayBee along with examples

PayBee's ticketing campaign supports all aspects of your event registration needs. This includes event attendee tickets, sponsorships, raffle tickets, drink tickets, merchandise, fundraising game tickets and the newly launched combination tickets. This article will walk you through the process of setting up your tickets as well as understanding the differences between the various kinds of tickets. Below you can find the following:

Creating A Ticket Campaign

To create a ticketing campaign, go to Campaigns (found on the menu on the left). Click on "New Campaign", and select the ticketing type from the list of campaign types.

Add an image, name, summary, description, etc. More information on all Campaign Settings can be found below.

Click on the "Ticketing Options" tab to add at least one option or ticket denomination to be able to save the campaign. See the Option Settings section below for different configuration options.

Step 1: Select Campaign Settings

Basic Details

Cover Image: Add the main image you'd like donors to see when viewing this ticket campaign. You can choose from uploading an image from your computer or choosing a previously used image from other campaigns on your account. If an image is not added, it will default to the cover image set for your account (found in Account > Donor Page Settings).

Campaign description: Add a general description about your ticket campaign. This is displayed along with the cover image on the donor side. The venue, event details link, date and time can be added in the sections below so you do not have to also include this information in the description.

Campaign summary: Add a short summarized version of the description or Generate A Summary instead. This is displaced in place of the description on the donor side on smaller screens like mobile phones.

Start & End Dates: This date range determines when the link may be accessed by donors. It does not affect your ability to work on this campaign.

General Settings

Qualify for a donor tax deduction: If all or portion of the ticket price is a tax-deductible donation. For partial, you can set the "Value of Goods or Services Provides" for each option separately (found in the ticket option settings). This is set to ON by default.

Hide from the main campaign page: A main campaign page automatically gets created and displays all active campaigns. If you want to hide a specific campaign from there, you can use this setting to do it. Users with direct links to the campaign can still access it.

Ask donors for street address: Controls if ticket buyers will be asked to provide a street address. Anything you enter under the Address Reason will be displayed to the donors who are entering their address. Asking donors for street address may be set to Optional if you want to give your donors to choice to enter this information.

Ask donors for phone numbers: Controls if ticket buyers will be asked to provide their phone numbers. Asking donors for phone numbers may be set to Optional if you want to give your donors to choice to enter this information.

Any additional info required: Any additional information you would like buys to fill out in text form. They type in this information.

Any additional info to be selected by the user: Creates a list of predefined options and will be shown to be selected at the time of purchase.

Promote Other Campaigns: You can select any other campaign to be shown below current campaign can be selected here. It will show up on the campaign details page below other options and on the confirmation page if applicable.

Enable Add-On Donation: You can select any donation type campaign to this, and buyers will be prompted to select one of the options, a custom amount of donation to be added to the purchase. It's optional, and they may choose to skip it.

Redirect Donor to URL after donation: If you want the user to be redirected to a specific ul after completing the transaction, you should add it here.

Donation button Label: By default donation button label is "Donate" or "Pay". You can change the label to different text. For example, "Register".

Post donation form: If you want an extended set of information from a user, you can add a link to an external URL, and the user will be prompted to click this link. This link also will be sent to the user via email

Internal ID for campaign for reporting: This is used to add an internal ID for your CRM to use to identify this campaign. The ID will show up in the All Donations Report.

Add an image below campaign options: If you would like to upload an image of your choice to be displayed to donors below the list of ticketing options, upload the image here. An example here would be an image with a list of all your event sponsors and partners.

Ticketing, Guest Information, Event, and Event Venue Settings:

You can set the date, time, and event venue name and address to be shown to the user by adding this information in the Event Settings and Event Venue sections. This is also included in the ticket email sent upon purchase. Other settings include:

Send electronic tickets: This setting controls if the email will be sent to purchasers for this campaign. If this campaign doesn't require checking in at the event venue, you may want to keep it unselected. For example, if you are using a ticketing campaign to sell merchandise, which is one of the ways this campaign can be used, there is no need for the ticket to be sent. Please note that if any options have payment associated with it, the payer will receive payment acknowledgment irrespective of this flag. Currently, payment receipts cannot be switched off.

This flag can be overridden for each option. See Option Settings below.

Enforce ticket inventory for this ticket campaign: If there is a limited number of tickets or items and you would like the system to enforce it, use this flag. If checked, all the options must have non-zero inventory numbers (to be added in the option settings).

Hide remaining inventory count from users: Check this to hide the number of tickets available to donors. If they're sold out, this will be indicated.

Allow for multiple type selection: If this flag is checked, the user can purchase multiple ticket options at once.

Collect guest information per ticket: This flag, when checked, asks the user to add or invite guests to the ticket in the number equal to the ticket. For example, if someone buys a table with 10 seats, they will have to add 10 guests to the ticket. This is required for tickets connected to the in-person event. Guests can be added as a group with one email or as individuals with their own email. They must provide at least the name of each guest. Additional information can be collected per guest and can be configured in the Guest Information Section.

Disable guest entry before payment: This flag, when checked, allows ticket purchasers to only add their guests after payment. By default, this flag is OFF. When OFF, ticket purchasers may choose to enter their information, their guests' information or add it later.

Save Card Enabled: If you are collecting guest information for this ticket campaign and your tickets are connected to an event, you are able to ask all attendees to save their credit card information before the event or at anytime during the event. Once this flag is checked, the event reminders sent (Manage > Ticket & Guests > Reminders) to attendees include an additional button which they can click on to add their card details. This flag is OFF by default.

Send Check-in Email Notification: If selected, guests will be notified (via text and email) of check-in with table and paddle number if available.

Send Check-in Text Notification: If selected, guests will receive text notification along with email upon check-in with Table and Paddle number if a phone number is available.

Display Current Ticket Holders to Buyers: If selected, donors are able to view all the other names of donors who also purchased these tickets along with how many they purchased.

Enable Grid View On Donor Side: The default view for donors is list view where ticket options are listed one below the other. If this flag is checked, the ticket options will be displayed to donors in a grid.

Basket Raffle: If you created this ticket campaign to sell tickets to your Basket Raffle, check this flag.

Ticket for In-Person Event: Indicates if this ticket is meant for an In-Person event. You can connect one or more ticketing campaigns to the same event. Once connected, guests of the ticket will be added as attendees for the connected event, and tables and paddles can be assigned to all attendees.

Ticket for Virtual Event: Indicates if this ticket is meant for the virtual event. You can connect one or more ticketing campaigns to the same virtual event. Once connected, the ticket holder and all its added guests will receive a virtual event join link in the email, and attendees will be added to the virtual event.

Guest Information: Requirements for additional information, optional or mandatory or to be added by your account admins, (other than name and email, which is required) for each guest can be added in Guest Information section. A good example of this is Meal Selection or T-shirt size etc. There are four different types of information that can be added.

  1. Text - Users type in the information required.

  2. Selection - The user must select one of the provided options.

  3. Phone Number

  4. Street Address

Step 2: Create Ticketing Options

The second step in creating a ticket is to add one or more options to this ticket campaign. For example, if you are selling full tables, half tables, and individual tickets, you will add three ticket options.

Option settings:

You can set name, price, allowed min quantity, allowed max quantity, total inventory, and value of goods or services provided for each option. The other settings include:

Cover Image: The cover image is displayed alongside the name and summary when donors are viewing all ticket options on medium and large screens such as computers, tablets, laptops, etc. It is also viewed on smaller screens such as phones when the donors taps on the Details button to read more about this ticket option. Uploading this image is optional. You can also choose from your list of previously used images.

Thumbnail: The cover image is displayed alongside the name and summary when donors are viewing all ticket options on small screens such as phones. Uploading this image is optional. You can also generate the thumbnail based on the cover image uploaded or choose from your list of previously used images.

Description: This is displayed to donors when they tap on the Details button to read more about this ticket option.

Summary: The summary is displayed alongside the name and image when donors are viewing all ticket options. You can choose to generate a summary based on the description entered.

Enforce ticket inventory for this option: If you would like to enforce a limit on the number of tickets available for this option, check this flag and enter the quantity.

Hide ticket inventory for this option: If you would like to enforce a limit on the number of tickets available for this option but don't want donors see how many are remaining, check this flag.

Exclude from overall ticket campaign inventory: If you do not want to include the number of tickets sold under this ticket option with the overall ticket count for this campaign, check this flag.

Enable As Group Ticket: If selected, you must set the multiplier value of more than one for the option. For example, if you are selling a table with 10 seats, this must be set to 10, or if you are selling a couple-ticket, this must be set to 2. If set, each ticket number will be multiplied by the value set. So if someone buys 2 tables, they get to add 20 guests.

Enable Guest Invitation: If enabled, ticket holders can add guests later or invite their guests to add themselves to the ticket. This is recommended for large group tickets (for e.g. tables and sponsorships) and should typically remain OFF for individual tickets.

Don't collect guest information for this ticket type: If set, this flag will override the "Collect guest information per ticket" set at the campaign level. For eg., if you are selling drink tickets and event tickets in the same campaign, the drink option would have this field set to ON.

Do Not Send Tickets: If set, it overrides the campaign setting, and no electronic ticket will be sent for this option. This is set for ticket options that do not need to be checked in at the event. For eg., if you are selling raffle tickets and event tickets in the same campaign, the raffle option would have this field set to ON.

Enable Combo Ticket: If this is selected, you can make this option a combination option which enables you to add multiple campaign/option combinations to this option. So if users buy this ticket option, they will see other tickets or ticket options included as a package. More on Combo Tickets below.

Any additional info required - This is information you want to require the user to provide when purchasing this ticket option. This will override the additional info question on the campaign-level if set. It allows the user to enter the information. Example: How long have you been a resident?

Any additional info, to be selected by user - This is information you want to require the user to provide when purchasing this ticket option. This will override the additional info question on the campaign-level if set. It allows the user to choose the options that you provide. Example: How did you hear about us? Google, Facebook, Other.

Combination Tickets

A Combination ticket can be considered as a ticket package where multiple ticket options from the same campaign or other campaign may be included (each of a specific quantity) along with the combination ticket option being purchased. You may be choose to use the combination ticket option as an avenue of payment and include event tickets, raffle tickets, drink tickets etc from other campaigns or choose to use the combination ticket option as a table and include the other tickets from other campaigns.

For example, let's say you are selling a gold sponsorship, which includes a full table of 10 seats, 10 t-shirts, 10 drink tickets, and 10 entries to the raffle. The combination ticket would have the Group Ticket field ON and the Number of Individuals Per Group field set to 10. You can then add the t-shirt, drink and raffle options with the quantity of each set to 10 in the Combo Ticket section.

Ticket Types

Simple Tickets

A simple ticket is considered a ticket that is not associated with guests, event paddles or table assignments. The only information collected here is the ticket holder's information along with the quantity of tickets purchased.

Instructions for setup: The Send electronic tickets field is usually set to OFF as well since these tickets don't usually need to be checked in at the event. The Collect guest information per ticket field is set to OFF for this kind of ticket.

Example: drink tickets, raffle tickets, merchandise sales, other event day sales, game tickets, etc. Click on this link to view a sample of a Raffle ticket campaign - https://paybee.net/@handle@11

Tickets with Guests

A simple ticket is considered a ticket that is associated with guests, event paddles or table assignments. The information collected here includes ticket holder information, like phone number and street address for example, and guest information, like meal preference and dietary restrictions for example.

Instructions for setup: The Send electronic tickets field and Collect guest information per ticket field are both set to ON for this kind of ticket so guests may be assigned paddles and tables and checked in on arrival at the event.

Example: in-person event attendee tickets and sponsorships. Click to view a sample of an In-Person Event Attendee ticket campaign - https://paybee.net/@handle@5

Tickets with options for simple and guests

Tickets with options for simple and guests are ticketing campaigns where a donor may purchase both tickets with guests as well as simple tickets.

Instructions for setup: The Send electronic tickets field and Collect guest information per ticket field under the Ticketing Settings are both set to ON but the Don't collect guest information for this ticket type field and the Do Not Send Tickets field are both set to ON for the simple ticket options alone. The Allow for multiple type selection field under the Ticketing Settings must be set to ON if you would like donors to buy both ticket types at the same time.

Example: in-person event ticket campaign where a donor can purchase tickets to attend the event but also purchase raffle tickets and drink tickets at the same time. Click to view a sample of this ticket type - https://paybee.net/@handle@13

Combinations ticket

A Combination ticket can be considered as a ticket package where multiple ticket options from the same campaign or other campaign may be included (each of a specific quantity) along with the combination ticket option being purchased. You can read more on this here.

Instructions for setup: If the combination ticket option is just avenue for payment and you plan to connect the event attendee tickets from elsewhere, set the Don't collect guest information for this ticket type field and the Do Not Send Tickets field to OFF. If you plan to set the combination ticket option as an event attendee ticket and then include other options, set the Don't collect guest information for this ticket type field and the Do Not Send Tickets field to ON.

Example: Event sponsorship where event attendee tickets, raffle tickets and game tickets are all included with the sponsorship. Click to view a sample - https://paybee.net/@handle@14

Managing Tickets and Guests

Once you've started to sell your tickets, you will see them all show up under Manage > Ticket & Guests. From here, you can add/edit tickets, add/edit/access guest information, assign tables, send reminders, create discount/promo codes, etc.

You can also connect a campaign to an in-person event of table assignment or paddles required or connect ticket campaign(s) to a virtual event.

More information on this can be found here.

Information provided by ticket holders may be found in the following report:

The report generated will include this additional information. Changes to ticket purchases may also be handled here.

How Donors Purchase Tickets

For more information on how your donors buy tickets and add guests please visit Donor How-Tos > Buy Tickets.

Last updated

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