Bulk Importing Auction items

Instructions to bulk upload auction items with image

Our auction campaign supports bulk importing of the items along with images.

Step 1: Prepare the template to upload

  1. Go to Campaigns from the left menu

  2. Click edit for the silent auction campaign.

  3. Select the "Auction Items" tab from the top.

  4. Click on the "Bulk Upload" button.

  5. Click "Download Template" to download the Excel template file.

The template file has the following columns:

Note which columns are required and which are optional.

Step 2: Upload with images

Once you have all the data in this file and all the images ready.

  1. Add all the images to a folder on your computer. Not needed if you are using URLs for images

  2. Go to Campaigns from the left menu

  3. Click edit for the silent auction campaign.

  4. Select the "Auction Items" tab from the top.

  5. Click on the purple "Bulk Upload" button.

  6. Drag and drop or select the file to upload.

  7. Click next, if any error is reported fix and upload it again.

  8. On the next screen click on "Choose Images", either select a few images or drag and drop the entire folder.

  9. Click "Upload"

  10. Let the image upload finish and then click confirm and all the items will be added.

Once uploaded you can check the items individually to make sure they are good and there was no image mismatch etc.

Save Campaign from the top. Click on the QR code next to the campaign to preview the items.

Last updated